Navigate Your Road to Retirement

Our services



You still need income during retirement. Instead of receiving a paycheck from your employer, you must turn your savings and benefits into retirement income. This includes:

  • Optimizing Social Security
  • Planning for inflation and longevity (help ensure you won’t run out of money)
  • Deciding your right pension option (lump sum or monthly income)
  • Knowing how much income you’ll need, where that income will come from and how long it can be expected to last
  • Making your income as tax efficient as possible


Your investment plan should be customized to you. To make sure you’re comfortable with both your growth potential and exposure to risk, you need: 

  • An understanding of how your portfolio will react to market swings
  • Proper portfolio balance between growth and preservation
  • A straightforward strategy that’s easy to understand
  • The ability to adjust as your circumstances change


Taxes don’t go away in retirement. A long-term tax planning strategy can help you decrease your tax liability and increase your spendable amount in retirement. This includes:

  • Implementing a tax-efficient income strategy
  • Increasing portfolio tax diversification by having a mix of tax-deferred and tax-free money
  • Looking at ways to help decrease the tax liability for your beneficiaries
Health Care/ Medicare

Health Care/Medicare

Health care costs can be a significant part of your retirement. It’s important to understand your payment options for health care and how they fit together with the other parts of your plan. This includes:

  • Developing a plan to pay for health care if you want to retire before you’re eligible for Medicare
  • Understanding Medicare Parts A and B plus supplemental plans
  • Determining which Medicare plan will best suit your individual needs (our financial professionals will help you)

Insurance products are offered through the insurance business Generations Retirement Group, LLC. Generations Retirement Group, LLC is also an Investment Advisory practice that offers products and services through AE Wealth Management, LLC (AEWM), a Registered Investment Adviser. AEWM does not offer insurance products. The insurance products offered by Generations Retirement Group, LLC are not subject to Investment Advisor requirements.

Neither the firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax or legal advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions. Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. Generations Retirement Group, LLC is not affiliated with or endorsed by the U.S. Government or any governmental agency.

Estate Planning/ Legal Documents

Legacy Planning/Legal Documents

It’s essential to ensure an efficient transfer of money to your loved ones, beneficiaries and charities when you’re gone. This includes:

  • Properly structuring all beneficiary designations on your accounts
  • Determining which legal documents (wills, trusts, powers of attorney, health care proxies, etc.) to activate
  • Helping protect assets from a potential long-term care event or nursing home stay
  • Incorporating tax-saving strategies for your loved ones

At Generations Retirement Group, our in-house legal affiliate can help you in numerous areas — from developing tax-wise strategies for beneficiaries and verifying that accounts include proper beneficiary designations to creating prudent long-term care plans and deciding which legal documents to implement.  

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